News database
Click on links below to view Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) news by country
2024 FoRB News Database by Country:
Algeria | EU | India | Mexico | Russia | Turkey |
Afghanistan | ECHR | Indonesia | Netherlands | Singapore | Taiwan |
Argentina | Estonia | Iran | Nicaragua | South Korea | Ukraine |
Bangladesh | Eritrea | Italy | Nigeria | Spain | USA |
Belarus | Egypt | Japan | North Korea | Sri Lanka | United Arab Emirates |
Belgium | EU | Israel | Norway | Sudan | United Kingdom |
Azerbaijan | France | Iraq | Nepal | Sweden | United Nations |
Bulgaria | Finland | Kazakhstan | OSCE | Somalia | Uzbekistan |
Czechia | Germany | Libya | Pakistan | Syria | Vietnam |
China | Georgia | Lithuania | Qatar | Turkmenistan | Yemen |
Canada | Cuba | Malaysia | Rwanda | Tunisia | World |
2023 FoRB News Database by Country:
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*HRWF puts a variety of news from outside sources on its website for human rights research. HRWF only endorses the contents of its own articles and reports, and not the views or opinions expressed in the articles posted.