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DRC: Hundreds of women raped and burned to death after Goma prison set on fire
DRC: Hundreds of women raped and burned to death after Goma prison set on fire Atrocity follows escape of thousands of male inmates amid chaos as Rwandan-backed M23 rebels seize...
PAKISTAN: “Don’t take GSP+ for granted,” says EU Special Envoy for Human Rights
PAKISTAN: “Don’t take GSP+ for granted,” says EU Envoy By Absa Komal Dawn (30.01.2025) - The focus of his visit is to engage with the government on pressing human rights issues...
TURKEY: 55% of Muslim supporters of Erdoğan’s party back sharia-based legal system
TURKEY: 55% of Muslim supporters of Erdoğan’s party back sharia-based legal system Turkish Minute (05.02.2025) - A recent Pew Research Center report found that 55 percent of...
KYRGYZSTAN: Regressive amendments to the religion laws, says USCIRF
KYRGYZSTAN: US Commission on International Religious Freedom alarmed by regressive amendments to the religion laws USCIRF (31.01.2025) – The United States Commission on...
KYRGYZSTAN bans Islamic niqab as critics warn it could alienate some women
KYRGYZSTAN: Kyrgyzstan bans islamic niqab as critics warn it could alienate some women By Farangis Najibullah Radio Free Europe (01.02.2025) - Kyrgyzstan has become the latest...
RUSSIA : Religious issues and persecution: Bimonthly Digest January 16-31
Russia : Religious issues and persecution: Bimonthly Digest January 16-31 31.01.2025 - In the Orenburg region, the court liquidated the church of Evangelical Christians Sova -...
RUSSIA/ РОССИЯ: Political repression: Sentences to prison terms in January 2025 (EN/ RU)
RUSSIA/ РОССИЯ:Political repression: Sentences to prison terms in January 2025 (EN/ RU) Click on the title to read the full article/ Нажмите на заголовок, чтобы прочитать статью...
CHINA : Religious issues and persecution – Bimonthly Digest January 16-31
CHINA : Religious issues and persecution – Bimonthly Digest January 16-31 Church of Almighty God 31.01.2025 - Church of Almighty God refugees asylum claims. (Article 1 to 7)...
IRAN: Religious issues and persecutions – Monthly Digest January
IRAN: Religious issues and persecutions– Monthly Digest January Christians Peaceful Iranians arrested in Turkey for publicly manifesting their religious beliefs European...
UKRAINE: 2025 first prisoner exchange after the 11 swaps in 2024. EU ‘out of the game’
RUSSIA-UKRAINE: The first prisoner exchange of 2025 after the 11 swaps in 2024. EU ‘out of the game’ HRWF (31.01.2025) - On 15 January, 25 soldiers and civilians returned to...
ECHR/FRANCE: French divorcee wins appeal in case over refusing husband sex
ECHR/FRANCE: French divorcee wins appeal in case over refusing husband sex By Rachel Hagan BBC News (23.01.2025) - A French woman who stopped having sex with her husband has won...
PAKISTAN: Woman charged with desecrating Quran in Pakistan wins bail
PAKISTAN: Woman charged with desecrating Quran in Pakistan wins bail Christian Daily (17.01.2025) - A Christian woman in Pakistan wrongly charged with blasphemy by a mosque...
HRWF at the UN and the European Parliament
HRWF Presentation at UN Human Rights Council about the FIES system in Spain