Advocacy Papers and Reports
UKRAINE: Business, Rule of Law & Presidential Office – A report denounces (August)
RUSSIA/ UKRAINE: Ukrainian children un search of a way home from Russia/ HRWF Report submitted to the UN Committee for the Rights of the Child (15 December 2023) – See UN Website:
RUSSIA: Movement of Anti-war Activists and Dissidents is Growing
UKRAINE: Submission of a report on the deportation of children by Russia/ UN website
MOLDOVA Between Aggression & Accommodation (Mission Report)
BENIN: Submission of a report about detention of opposition figures to the UN UPR (Universal Periodic Review)
BENIN: Report on human rights and political repression
The EU, North Korea and the Shifting Global Discourse on Human Rights
The “European Migration Crisis” in reality
Pretrial detention abuse in Spain: HRWF Submission to Spain’s UN Universal Periodic Review
Pretrial detention abuse in Spain: HRWF Partner Submission in Belgium to Spain’s UN Universal Periodic Review
Pretrial detention abuse in Spain: HRWF Partner Submission in Spain to Spain’s UN Universal Periodic Review
The management of linguistic issues in Belgium: a source of inspiration for Greece?
Western Sahara: Human Rights Report
Exploitation of North Korean Overseas Workers: Advocacy at the OSCE and in the EU Institutions
The Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan: A Historical Analysis
North Korean Human Rights & The Role of the International Community
Greece: Ethnic Turks in Rhodes and Kos
Baltic States: Citizenship and Language Rights of Russian-speaking Minorities
Odessa 2014 Tragedy
North Korea Overseas Workers
Abduction of Japanese citizens by North Korea
MISA, Gregorian Bivolary and Yoga Practitioners in Romania
LGBT People, Religions & Human Rights in Europe