Women's Rights & Gender Equality
Escapee from forced marriage speaks out on Intl Day of the Girl Child Girls from religious minorities are targeted for forced conversions through sham marriages across South Asia. Public called to sign an open letter to the Pakistani PM and post a picture wearing...
Women's Rights & Gender Equality
Kidnapped, raped, wed against their will: Kyrgyz women’s fight against a brutal tradition At least 12,000 women are still abducted and forced into marriage every year in Kyrgyzstan. But pressure is growing to finally end the medieval custom By Mauro Mondello ...
Women's Rights & Gender Equality
Activists say police action is rare in an area where the practice has almost become a tradition By Konradus Epa UCAnews (12.02.2021) – https://bit.ly/3rSrSHI – Police in Indonesia’s East Nusa Tenggara province have charged a Christian man...