LGBTQI People and Human Rights
UKRAINE: NGOs rescue children from Russian-occupied territories and Russia Human Rights Without Frontiers calls upon the UN, the EU and states supporting Ukraine to fund Ukrainian NGOs rescuing at high risks Ukrainian children deported by and to Russia In Ukrainian:...
Human Rights in the World
РОССИЯ: Движение антивоенных активистов и диссидентов растет Имея 400 юристов, 7000 волонтеров и 190 000 частных российских доноров, «ОВД-Инфо» помогает российским антивоенным активистам, участникам сопротивления, диссидентам, правозащитникам, верующим всех...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
Hundreds of priests of the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine condemn the role of Russian Patriarch Kirill in the war HRWF (15.04.2022) – As of Thursday evening 14 April, three days after the launch of the petition condemning the role of Patriarch Kirill in the war,...