Freedom of Religion and Belief
Konstantin Malofeev, the founder and owner of Tsargrad under EU sanctions (Photo: RISU). RUSSIA: TV channel of an Orthodox oligarch under EU sanctions Konstantin Malofeev’s Tsargrad TV spread Russian disinformation and the anti-cult hate speech of the notorious...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
Photo: The Marseille Courthouse. Credits FRANCE: Anti-cult Federation FECRIS membership collapses from 57 to 19 associations FECRIS, a non-profit association under French law now headed by a Belgian Socialist politician, has suddenly withdrawn from its website 38 of...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
Profondes inquiétudes concernant l’infiltration de la branche russe de la FECRIS en Belgique HRWF (07.12.2022) – Human Rights Without Frontiers est très préoccupé concernant l’infiltration depuis des années par des propagandistes pro-Poutine et anti-ukrainiens...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
Deep concerns about the infiltration of FECRIS’ Russian branch in Belgium HRWF (07.12.2022) – Human Rights Without Frontiers is deeply concerned by the infiltration for years of pro-Putin and anti-Ukrainian propagandists in Belgian politics, including in the...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
РОССИЙСКИЙ УГОЛОК ФЕЙКОВЫХ НОВОСТЕЙ: «Свидетели Иеговы готовят антипутинский переворот», – говорит российский адвокат Александр Корелов Связанный с FECRIS адвокат по борьбе с сектами Александр Корелов утверждает, что у него есть все доказательства: ...