Freedom of Religion and Belief
BELGIUM: Media fabrication of religious hostility: the case of Jehovah’s Witnesses HRWF (21.08.2023) – A Jehovah’s Witness has telephoned someone to talk about the Bible and the Apocalypse, according to a journalist from a well-known French-language...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
The national anti-cult conference organized by the French government on March 2023. Source: Ministère de l’Intérieur of France. BELGIUM: “Cult victims”: Real, “time-bomb” and imaginary A controversial Belgian report offers the opportunity of reflecting on real and...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
BELGIUM: Some reflections about the Recommendation of the Federal Cult Observatory on “cult victims” (II) Version en français I Version en français II By Willy Fautré, Human Rights Without Frontiers HRWF (12.07.2023) – On June 26, the Federal...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
BELGIUM: Some reflections about the recommendations of the Federal Cult Observatory on “cult victims” (I) By Willy Fautré, Human Rights Without Frontiers HRWF (10.07.2023) – On June 26, the Federal Observatory on Cults (CIAOSN/ IACSSO), officially known...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
Profondes inquiétudes concernant l’infiltration de la branche russe de la FECRIS en Belgique HRWF (07.12.2022) – Human Rights Without Frontiers est très préoccupé concernant l’infiltration depuis des années par des propagandistes pro-Poutine et anti-ukrainiens...