Freedom of Religion and Belief
FRANCE: Anti-cult association UNADFI will not escape justice The Court of Appel of Aix-en-Provence dismissed the anti-cult ’association UNADFI which refused to implement the decision of the judicial court of Marseille Press release of CAP/LC in French On December 2,...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
FRANCE: Anticult UNADFI is not above the law: new condemnation Version en français CAP Liberté de conscience (09.12.2024) – On December 2, 2024, the Marseille Magistrates’ Court ordered UNADFI (Union Nationale des Associations de Défense des Familles et de...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
FRANCE: Religious freedom under threat: Over 85% of French people are against a new law HRWF (20.12.2023) – On 15 November, the French government posted a bill “aimed at reinforcing the fight against cult-like deviations” on the NosLois website, in...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
The Court of Appeal of Aix-en-Provence. Credits. FRANCE: FECRIS tries twice to escape a court procedure—in vain In two successive rulings, FECRIS’ maneuvers were defeated, and it was ordered to pay 1500 EUR and 2500 EUR as financial compensation. Version en...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
ARGENTINA: Human rights abuses against Buenos Aires Yoga School denounced at the United Nations At the 53th session of the UN Human Rights Council the UN ECOSOC-accredited NGO CAP-LC filed a written statement on the abusive activities of the anti-trafficking agency...