Freedom of Religion and Belief
CZECHIA: Deportation of a representative of the Russian Orthodox Church By Willy Fautré, Director of Human Rights Without Frontiers HRWF (12.08.2024) – Archpriest Nikolai Lischenyuk, 51, a key ally of Russian Patriarch Kirill and leader of the Russian Orthodox...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
Oleg Goncharov: the state is not pressuring the religions of the Russian Federation, they themselves collected a billion rubles in total for the victims of war (Credit: IRP) RUSSIA: Churches collect 1 billion rubles (10 million EUR) for ‘people in need’ in occupied...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
Gap widening between the Moscow Patriarchate and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church HRWF (22.08.2022) – The Ukrainian authorities have allowed Metropolitan Onufry, the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church/ Moscow Patriarchate, to meet Russian prisoners of war. He gave...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
FECRIS, Russia, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and the War on Ukraine HRWF (09.06.2022) – For years, FECRIS (European Federation of Centres for Research and Information on Sects and Cults), a French-based umbrella organization[i] that coordinates with member and...