Freedom of Religion and Belief
NORWAY: Acts of hostility and violence targeting Jehovah’s Witnesses denounced at the OSCE HRWF (27.11.2024) – At the last annual OSCE conference on human rights in Warsaw, Jehovah’s Witnesses filed a report about public hostility targeting their community in...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
TURKEY: Eradication of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople would be an opportunity for Russia to expand its imperialism At OSCE, Archon Sisson explains how Turkey’s hostility to religious minorities provides an opportunity for Russia to expand its...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
ITALY: An Evangelical Church deemed “a shop” and taxed 50,000€ goes to the European Court The case was denounced at the OSCE Human Dimension Conference in Warsaw on 8 October The Italian Supreme Court ruled against Christian community Breccia di Roma after lower...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
OSCE-KYRGYZSTAN: A controversial new religious legislation Oral statement of Human Rights Without Frontiers at the OSCE Human Dimension Conference in Warsaw HRWF (07.10.2024) – Human Rights Without Frontiers is deeply concerned about the newest version of the...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
OSCE-PAKISTAN: Why shouldn’t the Ahmadi Muslim asylum-seekers be deported from Europe to Pakistan? Speech of Human Rights Without Frontiers at a side-event organized by CAP/ Liberté de Conscience at the OSCE Warsaw Human Dimension Conference Willy Fautré, director of...