Freedom of Religion and Belief
FRANCE: Yoga: Disproportionate widescale police raids with abuses starting from a personal settlement of scores The starting point was a personal revenge by an academic who got a suspended sentence of four months in prison for harassment Version en français By Willy...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
FRANCE: A Swiss criticism of the French MIVILUDES: “Opaque methods & imprecise data” The Director of the Intercantonal Information Center on Beliefs (CIC), Manéli Farahmand, co-signed with academic psychiatrist and expert of alternative therapies, Fabrice Berna,...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
FRANCE: Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone: How one woman destroyed France’s Olympic rhetoric The athlete who smashed her own world record in 400m hurdles is a member of a church France would call a “cult” if it knew it. And she proclaims it loudly. by Massimo Introvigne...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
FRANCE: Administrative court finds MIVILUDES’ statements about Jehovah’s Witnesses defamatory The Paris Administrative Court has concluded that it is “factually incorrect” to claim that Jehovah’s Witnesses do not report cases of child sexual abuse to secular...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
FRANCE: Malgré le rejet du Sénat, la France adopte une nouvelle loi anti-sectes La loi crée un nouveau délit de « sujétion psychologique », restreint la possibilité de critiquer les traitements médicaux « officiels » et met gravement en danger la liberté de religion...