Freedom of Religion and Belief
IRAQ: Less then 50 Christian families back in Mosul since 2014 Ten years after the ISIS occupation: less than 50 Christian families have returned to Mosul by Gianni Valente Agenzia Fides (10.06.2024) – Mosul, ten years later. It was June 10, 2014 when the...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
РОССИЯ: Исламское государство: от религиозно мотивированной ненависти к «неверным» до терроризма. «Флаг Исламского государства» с рисунком «печать Мухаммеда». Используется в видеороликах об обезглавливании; запрещен в ряде государств мира. Willy Fautré HRWF...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
RUSSIA: Islamic State: From religiously motivated hatred of ‘infidels’ to terrorism By Willy Fautré, director of Human Rights Without Frontiers HRWF (27.03.2024) – 139 Russians are known to have died in the worst terrorist attack for two decades on the Russian...