Freedom of Religion and Belief
EU: The 10th Anniversary of the EU Guidelines on FoRB – a call to stand united On 29 June, MEPs Peter van Dalen and Carlo Fidanza, co-chairs of the Intergroup on Freedom of Religion or Belief at the European Parliament, hosted a conference at the European Parliament...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
EU: The EU Guidelines on FORB discussed at the plenary session of the European Parliament MEPs tell EU Commissioner Věra Jourová that actions to protect religious freedom are far from enough MEPs Hölvényi and Bert-Jan Ruissen tell EU Commissioner Jourova that actions...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
Photo credit: EU Brussels FoRB Roundtable – THIX Photo. — 10th Anniversary of the EU Guidelines on FoRB co-organized by the Eu Parliament Intergroup on FoRB&RT, with HRWF, EU Brussels FoRB Roundtable and Netherlands FoRB Roundtable. EU: An OSCE/ ODIHR point of...