Freedom of Religion and Belief
Religious issues and persecution – Monthly Digest October Christians US resettlement of Iranian Christian refugees increases, but concerns remain Article 18 (23.10.2024) – Over five times as many Iranian Christian refugees were resettled in the United States...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
Religious issues and persecution – Monthly Digest September Christians Christian convert released after nearly five years in prison Article 18 (30.09.2024) – A Christian convert whose only son died during his nearly five years in Evin Prison has been released...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
PAKISTAN: Christian woman sentenced to death on blasphemy charges over WhatsApp messages EU TODAY (25.09.2024) – A Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) court in Rawalpindi has sentenced a Christian woman, Shagufta Kiran, to death after finding her guilty of...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
PAKISTAN: The EU Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief on mission in Pakistan Press release of Human Rights Without Frontiers (7 September 2024) HRWF (07.09.2024) – The EU Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Mr Frans van Daele, is on the eve...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
NICARAGUA: Cancellation of status of 169 religious civil society organizations Religious groups affected by another mass cancellation of civil society organisations CSW (30.08.2024) – Scores of Protestant churches, the Nicaraguan Evangelical Alliance, and the...