Freedom of Religion and Belief
PAKISTAN: Ahmadi issues : Lawyer threatened with disbarment, four jailed with false blasphemy charges An attorney has been told he would not be allowed to enter courts if he does not renounce his faith Four are accused as usual of having burned pages of the Quran. by...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
PAKISTAN: Political Injustice – the ongoing persecution of Ahmadi Muslims By Fareed Ahmad for Human Rights Without Frontiers HRWF (30.08.2024) – The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Pakistan is enduring an alarming rise in violence and systemic persecution in...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
PAKISTAN: Muslim Ahmadi dentist brutally murdered in cold blood Ahmadis in Pakistan endure a life of severe oppression, live in fear of death, and struggle to have the basic right to live and move freely Atalayar (08.08.2024) – The Ahmadiyya Community has...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
PAKISTAN: Council of Islamic Ideology asks for even harsher persecution of the Ahmadis While the legal saga of Mubarak Ahmed Sani remains subject to conflicting interpretations, what is clear is that Sunni authorities want the repression to continue. By Massimo...
Freedom of Religion and Belief
PAKISTAN: UN experts urge immediate end to discrimination and violence against Ahmadis UN (25.07.2024) – A group of independent experts* today expressed grave concern regarding a reported upsurge in discrimination and violence against Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan,...