Oral statement at the UN for prosecution of Patriarch Kirill

Statement at the 50th Human Rights Council of the United Nations

HRWF (07.07.2022) – CAP Liberté de Conscience shares its deep concerns with Human Rights Without Frontiers which has documented, for the International Criminal Court, the grave responsibility of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia in the outbreak and extension of Russia’s war on Ukraine.


CAP calls upon the U.N. to collaborate with the ICC which is currently busy evidencing war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Ukraine and identifying the perpetrators to be held accountable.


The prosecution of Patriarch Kirill falls within Article 25 of the Rome Statute which provides that “a person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court if that person for the purpose of facilitating the commission of such a crime, aids, abets or otherwise assists in its commission or its attempted commission.”


Moreover, on 7 April 2022, the European Parliament adopted a Resolution in which it condemned the role of Patriarch Kirill, in providing theological cover for Russia’s aggression on Ukraine.


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Photo: UN Live United Nations Web TV

Further reading about FORB in Russia on HRWF website