Human Rights Without Frontiers has been tracking incidents worldwide where people are imprisoned for exercising their right to freedom of religion or belief since 2013. Due to the massive scale of repression in China, we have dedicated this specific database for China.
To find information on FoRB prisoners in countries other than China, please visit our ‘Other countries’ database.

For more information on how to search the database, see instructions below.

If you have information or questions regarding our prisoners’ database, please contact us at:

How to search the database

Keyword search


Type any word or name into the search field to search the entire database for your keyword. The search results will show ALL records that contain that word.


For example: if you type ‘Russia’, all records that have ‘Russia’ anywhere in the entry will be included in the results.



Filter search


Use the ‘Add filters’ function to search the database using pre-defined criteria. The search results will show specific results based on your choices


For example: