ECtHR judgments in the Bekir-Ousta and Others not implemented by Greece for over 16 years

ABTTF (13.06.2024) – The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, at its meeting held in Strasbourg on 11-13 June 2024 examined the Bekir-Ousta and Others group of cases involving the Xanthi Turkish Union, the Cultural Association of Turkish Women of the Prefecture of Rodopi and the Evros Prefecture Minority Youth Association, which belong to the 2 Turkish community in Western Thrace.

Initiated in 2008 after the ECtHR ruled that Greece had violated the freedom of association, the examination process is still ongoing since Greece has not executed the ECtHR judgments for the past 16 years. 

In its decision, the Committee of Ministers noted that these cases concerned violations of the right to freedom of association and expressed its deep concern that 16 years after the relevant judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) against Greece, the judgments have still not been executed. The Committee of Ministers decided to re-examine this group of cases at its meeting in December 2024 and asked the Secretariat to examine the possibility of proposing a draft interim decision for consideration at that meeting. 

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